The most complete process of umseisum begins in its Real Estate area, responsible for prospecting and negotiating the house, housing or space that inhabits the imaginary of its clients.

The first meetings aim to internalize the client's expectation in different aspects, such as the type of housing or space, the area, the expected financial investment, the type of changes and the expected result, thus creating a previous economic plan, adjusted to the customer's final decisions.

After this study, umseisum begins prospecting and negotiation for the acquisition of the property, without any costs to its customers.

This home prospecting and purchase price negotiation service is considered by umseisum as one of the most important steps at the beginning of a Project, since the choice of the part can determine future restrictions in rehabilitation. Thus, umseisum involves, from the outset, its engineers and architects in choosing the house for its clients, in order to evaluate possible potentials and restrictions of the houses selected to rehabilitate. On the other hand, and after the selection of the restricted group of candidate houses, the negotiation is delivered to the experience of its managers.

In the sale of used houses and apartments, umseisum is also proactive and decisive in promoting them for sale. In the case of the sale, and on the assumption that the house or apartment is already used, umseisum develops a 3D project for the remodeling of the same, accompanied by a budget, in order to facilitate the interest of potential customers to purchase, since it considers that this type of work makes it possible to make the buyers realize the potential that a house, even used, you can often have with reduced investments. For its customers, and in a similar way to other areas, this service has no cost.

As a complement to information, and despite all the architectural work and 3D modeling that does to sell the houses and apartments of its customers, its commission is the lowest in the market. Even so, umseisum considers that this is the fair commission for the work it develops, which includes the promotion, displacement of visits, architectural and engineering work, and also 3D modeling, among others.

Rehabilitation architecture projects also always involve 3D plans of the main divisions, in a logic of providing their clients with the visual result of the work, even before it begins to be built. The reason for this time investment by umseisum is that it considers that no client should award a work of several thousand euros, without first being sure how it will result in visual terms.

Thus, and if you have a Dream, whatever size, umseisum is available from now on to, look for the ideal house, in the desired place, for the best purchase price, selling or swapping in the business your old apartment or house and developing a global smart investment project where, in the economy of scale, the gains are given to our client.

umseisum - architecture, construction and real estate mediation, lda

AMI 9309 license | building permit 68561 - PUB